Dance Registration Form 2024-25
Register for our 2024-2025 season! Our season runs from September- April. We have a competition in March, and the first week of May. These competitions are a requirement for certain classes, so please plan to attend. We will also hold a Winter recital in December, and a Spring recital at the end of April. The recitals are a requirement for all classes.
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Email *
Dancer's First Name *
Dancer's Last Name *
Parent's Name *
Parent's Phone number *
Age *
What grade will they be in this fall? *
T-Shirt Size *
What Classes are you interested in taking? *
Waiver of Liability:   I understand and agree that in participating in any dance class or tumbling class there is a possibility of physical injury. I agree to release and hold harmless Sunshine Dance, including its teachers, dancers, staff members, and facilities from any cause of action, claims or demands now and in the future. I will not hold Sunshine Dance liable for any personal injury or any personal property damage, which may occur on the premises before, during, or after classes. Furthermore, I understand that I should be aware of my, and/or my child's physical limitations and agree not to exceed them. If I am signing this waiver for my child, I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian and have the right to waive these rights. Further, I authorize and agree that Sunshine Dance may take and use photographs/videos of my child for purposes of record keeping, advertising, and marketing.*

Electronic Signature: (Parent's Full Name)
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