Offer Draft Request:
Please complete the below form so we have all of the information needed to draft your offer:
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Email *
Agent Name *
TC (if current client)
Property Address *
Buyer Agreement Needed? *
Client Names: *
Client Email Addresses:
Client Phone Number:
Offer Price
Financing Type 
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Down Payment amount or % (THIS IS NOT EMD)
EMD Amount ( add escrow holder name if title company is not holding EMD)
Settlement Date
Preferred Title Company
Seller Subsidy to Buyer Amount (Closing Costs)
Seller Payment Towards Buyer's Brokerage Compensation (Buyer Agent Commission Paid by Seller)
Home Inspection (Provide Deadline/Dates Below)
Home Inspection for Info Only Inspection Period (Dates)
Radon Test? (Contingency Date will be 2 days past HI Contingency Period)
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Pest Inspection (WDI) - (For VA Loans, Seller is required to pay)
Home Warranty (add company and amount in "other")
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Contingencies (Check all that apply)
Financing Contingency (# of Days)
Appraisal Contingency - # of days, with or without Gap Guaranty, and Gap amount
Other Documents Needed
Escalation info: Max Price, Increments above other offers, waive or retain appraisal
Post Occ: Per Day amount or flat fee, Deadline date, Security Deposit amount, Home warranty info if needed, and you will or will not be showing the property during the rent back. 
Other info
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