Fossil Ridge Spirit Clinic Sept. 3, 2024

Clinic Day: Tuesday, September 3rd at Fossil Ridge High School

Clinic Times:
Pre-K-8th Grade 4:30 pm- 6:30 pm

Performance Day: Friday, Sept. 6th at the FRHS Varsity Football Game vs. Rock Canyon at PSD French Field (1500 W. Swallow, Fort Collins) @ 7:00 pm

$50 per dancer/$35 for each additional sibling. We prefer payment via Venmo to @FRDT-Boosters. However, we do accept cash or check (make checks payable to FRDT Boosters) on the first clinic day - thanks. 

Check-in for clinics will start at 4:30 pm at Fossil Ridge High School on the east side of the building outside by the gym doors and athletic fields. Look for a table set up and dance team girls outside to welcome everyone. 

Please have child wear comfortable clothes they can move in and a full water bottle with their name on it. The Clinic will be outside on the grass so apply sunblock prior if wanted. Outside helps the girls practice what it will be like on the football field during halftime.

Payment includes admission for dancers to the football game, themed accessory to wear for the halftime performance, snacks, dance techniques during the clinic, a game with team members, and a half-time performance!  One parent ticket will also be included in the price and all additional spectator tickets can be purchased on  (search Fossil Ridge High School).

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Participant Name (First, Last) *
Participant Age *
Participant Grade *
Participant School *
Parent/Guardian Name (First, Last) *
Parent Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Any food allergies or medical concerns? *
Can we take pictures of your dancers during clinic & performance to use on social media?
Illness Concerns: Please have your dancer stay home if your child or any household members are not feeling well or have been around someone sick. We can work out a refund if this is the case. Thank you!
I understand I need to pay via Cash, Check or Venmo to @ FRDT-Boosters by Sept. 3rd (checks made out to FRDT Boosters).

In consideration of being allowed to participate in FRHS Jr Dance Clinic. Related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that:

I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, even if arising from the negligence of the releasees or others, and assume full responsibility for my child’s participation. 

The undersigned agrees and understands that there are risks and possible exposure to Covid and/or other sickness while participating in any activity while being around other participants and assumes that risk.  If your dancer and/or family member is feeling sick or has any symptoms or has been around anyone else that has been sick, please stay home.

Participant hereby releases and hold harmless FRHS Dance Team, coaches, dance team members, Poudre School District and its board members, employees and agents from any and all liability, claims causes of action, damages and demands of any kind whatsoever for any and all damages, including personal injury to the participant, exposure to Covid or other sickness, pandemic, accidents, attorney fees, or damage to property, liabilities,or injuries that may arise out of or in connection with participating in FRHS Jr Dance Clinic. 

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