Increasing the engagement and participation of Women and Diversity in Local Elections

Kerry County Council would like to extend an invitation to attend this empowering and informative event which is aimed at fostering increased engagement and participation of women and diversity in local elections.

  • Date: Tuesday, 16th of April 2024
  • Time: 1:30 pm, meet and greet with 2:00 pm sharp start
  • Location: The Meadowlands Hotel, Oakpark, Tralee, Co. Kerry  ( V92 DC83 )

Event Highlights: 

  • Engaging discussions on the importance of women and diversity in local politics
  • Insightful panel discussions exploring the nuances of women and diversity in local politics
  • Question and answer session with female elected members of Kerry County Council
  • Networking opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals

This event is FREE 
Registration is essential as numbers will be limited. 
Max number, 3 per group

For Further details or queries, please contact

Seán Scally,
Administrative Officer,
Corporate Services,
Comhairle Chontae Chiarrai/Kerry County Council

087 660 8630 /  066 718 3596 /

  • A Sign Language interpreter will be present at the event.
  • This event will be live streamed, details to follow

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Please submit any questions here that you would like to have raised at the event in relation to the participation of women and diversity in local government.
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