The information provided aims to help parents/carers follow the in-year application process
for admission to Knowsley Primary school places. This is when you are requesting a school
place or transfer during the school year.
If your child is applying to start reception class in school for the first time or is transferring from
primary to secondary education, DO NOT use these procedures. There are separate forms,
for more information.
If your child has an Education, Health & Care Plan (formally a Statement of Special Education
Need), you must follow SEN procedures to request a change of school – contact (0151) 443 5145 for
If you are moving house into the local area and wish to apply for a place for your child(
a Knowsley primary school because the distance is too far for your children to continue to
attend their current school, you are advised to check the likely availability of school places in
advance of your move taking place.
Things to consider before applying for a transfer
Sometimes a change in circumstances may lead to a request for a transfer to an alternative
school. However, before making a transfer application, we strongly advise you do the
Discuss your reasons for considering a move with the Headteacher of your child’s
current school as, often, any issues of concern can be rectified without a transfer
being necessary.
Think carefully about the advantages and disadvantages of moving before applying
for a transfer. Your child(ren) will have to make new friends, get used to new school
staff and procedures etc. What will the transport arrangements be? What will be the
costs for new uniform/transport? Are the issues you have with the current school
likely to re-occur at the new school?
If your child is in year 6, a transfer is generally only advisable if the child can not
continue to attend the current school (eg due to a house move).
Please note: applications/transfer requests for year 6 pupils may be referred to Knowsley Fair
Access Panel for placement consideration.
How do I apply?
You must complete the Knowsley Primary In-Year Application Form. You can only name
a Knowsley school on this form.
The In-Year form is available to download at,
from Knowsley School Admissions Team or direct from any Knowsley primary school.
Please complete the application fully answering all questions and attaching any other
information you feel may be relevant to your application – this will assist the processing
of your application.
If you are applying for more than one child you must complete a separate application for
each child – please be aware that there is no guarantee that schools will be able to
accommodate siblings.
Once your application is complete, please return it directly to the school named on the
We would advise you to check beforehand to see whether it is likely that there will be
places available. However, no place is guaranteed until a formal application has been
submitted and an offer made.
The allocation process
Please be aware that the allocation process can take up to 20 school days – requested
schools will typically seek to obtain information in relation to the child from the current
school - this timeframe ensures that all aspects affecting the transfer have be considered
and, if a place is offered, to allow for a planned admission.
Please note - not all transfer requests will require 20 days, schools will seek to process applications
as expediently as possible.
Generally, if a place is available within the admission number, it will be offered.
If the the year group is full to the planned admission number, your application will
normally be refused on these grounds – you will be notified of the refusal in writing and
offered the right of appeal against the decision to an independent appeal panel. The
individual school will be able to advise you whether or not they keep a waiting list in
case a place becomes available in the future.
If more applications are received than there are places available, the oversubscription
criteria, which forms part of the school’s admission policy, will be applied to decide
which applicant will be offered the available place. Copies of the relevant admission
policies are available online at or upon request
from the individual school.
In very limited and exceptional circumstances, schools may consider refusing a place
even where one is available. Such applications will normally be referred for
consideration by Knowsley Fair Access Panel before any final decision is taken.
Children who are currently looked after by a local authority have a very high priority for
all schools. This category includes children who have moved from being looked after to
being adopted or subject to residence orders or special guardianship. The definition is as
in the School Admissions Code – available online at Parents/Carers would
need to provide evidence of this to the school at the time of application.
If you have not received an outcome/response to your application after 20 school days
or if you cannot be offered a place at your school of preference and your child is
without a school place, please contact Knowsley School Admissions on (0151) 443
3372 for further advice.
The Knowsley Fair Access Protocol
The Knowsley protocol seeks to ensure that all schools admit a fair share of vulnerable
and hard to place pupils requiring a high level of support or offering particular
challenges. To achieve this, the protocol allows the panel to make admissions in excess
of the admission number or to refuse where places are available.
Knowsley primary schools are required to refer applications to the Fair Access Panel
(FAP) if the application meets one of the agreed referral categories and if they feel
unable to meet the needs of an individual pupil requesting in-year admission due to
contextual issues within the school/cohort.
Parents/carers should not that the protocol will only be used in exceptional cases –
further information about the protocol, including the prescribed categories appropriate
for referral can be found at a place and admission/transfer to school
If you are offered a place, you will usually be asked to confirm acceptance and a start
date will be agreed with the school. If you do not confirm acceptance within the
timescale indicated and/or your child does not take up the place offered by the agreed
date, the school may re-offer the place to another child.
The school will provide any further admission details e.g. uniform and start time
You may also be requested by the school to produce evidence of the details you
provided when you made your application – e.g. proof of address, proof of Catholic baptism
– if these have played a part in the decision to offer a place. If you cannot provide proof
of the information given, or if the information is found to be false, your offer may be
Local Authority Contact Details
Knowsley School Admissions can assist with general queries regarding school places and
admission procedures, please contact:-
Knowsley School Admissions, Education Improvement Team, Knowsley Council, PO Box 21,
Municipal Buildings, Archway Road, Huyton, Knowsley, L36 9YU
Telephone:- 0151 443 3372/3373
E-mail:- notice
Knowsley Council will use the information provided on your school admission application and any other
supporting information you provide for the following purposes.
• To ensure the efficient co-ordination and fair allocation of school places.
• To ensure your child has access to school associated entitlements
• To ensure information is accurate.
• To prevent or detect crime.
• To protect public funds.
• To meet our key aims and legal duties.
We use the information to complete our duties under the Department for Education’s ‘School Admissions
Code’ (2014) and ‘School Admissions Appeal Code’ (2012).
There may be a requirement to share information with schools, other council service areas, local health trusts,
other local authorities and central government. This will only be when necessary and where the law allows it
to support the applications process.
For more information about how we use and store your personal data, please visit where you can access the full privacy notice for the School Admission
Alternatively, contact or telephone (0151) 443 3373 to request a
copy of the document.
APPLICATIONS FOR TWO OR MORE CHILDREN IN THE SAME SCHOOLYou must complete a separate application form for each of your children.