DAP pre-sale
Hello. Welcome to the DAP pre-sale. KYC is required for contributions over $4000

Please complete this form and then EMAIL your passport selfie securely to dap@act.foundation
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Sample passport selfie
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What email address shall we use? *
What is your telegram user name? (optional)
What is your phone number? (optional)
Are you a US citizen? *
What country are you from? *
Please indicate your level of interest in our pre-sale? *
Which of the following might you need next? *
Thats it!
Remember, just email dap@act.foundation for support. Also, you can contact admins on our official telegram channel. We will never send a funding address via email, telegram or in any other way. It is published only on our site (and Github and Medium accounts for extra verifications). Please be careful of scams and fraudsters. We will never DM anyone via Telegram.
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