Welcome to the Gregarious Goblin Gift Exchange of 2024!

Please read the following rules and explanations carefully before moving on to the next page to submit your entry for the Gregarious Goblin Gift Exchange (GGGE). This year, we will be completing a blind exchange, where each person that leaves a gift will have one delivered to them!

The entire process is meant to embrace both the spirit of giving as well as the spark of creativity. You do not need to be a professional (or even experienced) content creator of TTRPGs and their materials, you need simply to have enthusiasm!

Note, participating in the 2024 exchange will require you to provide us with a valid email address and sign in to a Google account. This is the method by which gifts will be uploaded, and later delivered. Your email address will NOT be shared with the recipient of the gift you give, NOR the creator of the gift you receive, NOR used for any other purpose.

Each participant will submit one gift and receive one gift. Participant's gifts will not be given to more than one recipient (though the organizers might hand out a few of their own created freebies to everyone).
What is GGGE?
GGGE stands for Gregarious Goblin Gift Exchange. Established in late 2021, it functioned like a "Secret Santa" style gift exchange among TTRPG creators. Participants were matched randomly and asked to create something specific for their match as a way to meet new people and engage with one another.

This tradition continued, sometimes in different forms, as we've also hosted game jams, or built gift bundles to shake things up. This year, however, we're going back to our roots of a traditional exchange. After all, it's right in the name!
What type of creations are accepted?
There are no strict requirements on what you should make, but it should absolutely be enjoyable by a TTRPG enthusiast. Anything digital that can be utilized in TTRPGs or world-building is acceptable (with the few exceptions listed below). This can include everything from a fully-created, playable game to a set of fun rolling tables for a unique situation and everything in between. In the past, gifts have included games, supplements, maps, tokens, character profiles, character art, drawings, stat blocks, NPCs, digital stickers and emoji, custom magic items or spells, brief encounters, rolling tables, homebrewed additions to existing games, and much, much more! Even stories, poems, or songs related to TTRPGs could be considered!

Some people put a considerable amount of effort into creating something unique and special. This is very welcome and appreciated, but not a requirement. You could create something simple, yet fun. You can even submit an item or bit of content that YOU have already created. If you do the latter, however, we ask that you only offer gifts that would otherwise cost money, such that the recipient is getting something they would otherwise not have free access to.
What is not acceptable?
All submissions will be reviewed for content. The following may NOT be included in your gift.
  • AI generated content, imagery or written
  • Images used or intended to be used as NFTs
  • NSFW content
  • Hate speech, bigotry, cruelty, excessive gore, or anything designed to elicit offense
  • Stock images, videos, sound, music, etc. taken from an aggregator site without alteration. (Note: you can absolutely USE stock to create things, but you cannot simply collect existing content and submit as is.)
  • Content created by someone else
  • "Coupons," "Gift Cards," "Discounts," or any other promise to share/swap future creations
  • Physical entries (this is digital only)
That's it. That's the list. If you submit one of the aforementioned items, it will be rejected. You may not be given notice, and will not receive a gift from someone else. If you are even slightly unsure, do not submit it!
This sounds pretty fun, but how does it all work?
  1. Read all the descriptions and rules here. (You're already half way done!)
  2. Create something fun for TTRPG enthusiasts.
  3. Make sure your creation follows the rules (they are few, but they are absolute).
  4. Come back here, mark the bottom question to indicate you have read everything and are ready to submit your creation. This will take you to the second page.
  5. Complete the short questionnaire on that page of this form and upload your file(s).
  6. Wait to receive a gift someone else has left.
  7. Enjoy & have a Happy GGGE!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a professional creator to participate?
Not at all! This is meant to be a fun, creative, sharing event. Your work should be finished and usable in the form you submit. You need not be a pro, but you must include a name on your item, so please do not submit anything you would not want to take credit for creating. The expectation is that you should spend no more than a few hours at MOST to create. As a general rule, you should submit something you could create in a single afternoon. Do NOT feel too intimidated to join the fun. No prior experience or skill level is necessary.

Can I create more than one item or add existing items?
Yes, but you will still only be participating as a single entry. You may include as many items as you wish for your entry, and these items may be any combination of new or existing creations - as long as they are your creations, and not currently available for free elsewhere. Note, you will need to upload them in a single compressed ZIP file.

What can I do with the gift I create?
It's your creation. We have no limitations on your use of it, even if created during this event. However, we would ask as a courtesy that you not immediately release it to the public for free, so that the recipient feels they are getting something that is at least temporarily exclusive (90 days would be appropriate). But do feel free to sell it immediately on any platform you wish, or give it away sometime thereafter.

What can I do with the gift I receive?
You are free to use them as extensively as possible for personal use. You may NOT use any part of any gift for commercial purposes UNLESS the creator specifically gives permission to do so WITH the submission. Please do NOT contact creators to give you a unique license to use their work after the fact.

Does a contribution have to be used with a specific TTRPG?
No! You can create for something specific or just for general use. System agnostic materials would of course be the most widely enjoyed since you won't know who is receiving your gift. You do not need to conform to a single game.

When is the deadline to sign up and submit my entry?
December 20th, 2024 11:59PM EST

Is there a theme?
Every year, we offer up a theme to spark creativity, but it is not required that your submission relate to it. You can have imaginary bonus points though. Lots and lots of them.

2024 Theme: "Shades of Winter"

What if I have a question, problem or issue along the way?
Please reach out on social media to @thogreer or @gothHoblin (twitter or bluesky are acceptable) using a direct message. All communication (except receiving your gift) will occur this way. At no time should anyone email you or contact you in another manner for any related information unless you list email as the primary way to do so.
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