FY25 Community Project Funding Request Form
Thank you for your interest in applying for Community Project Funding through the office of Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09). Please complete this form by close of business on Wednesday, May 8th for your project to be considered for FY25 funding via the federal appropriations process (deadline subject to change). Please note: we receive hundreds of applications and our office may only select up to 15 Community Projects to be considered for funding by the House Committee on Appropriations. Please note: ONLY NON-PROFITS AND GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY for Community Project Funding. Requests from for-profit entities will not be considered. Only projects benefitting New York's 9th Congressional District in Brooklyn will be considered by this office. One Major Change from previous year's in terms of eligibility is to the Economic Development Initiative (EDI) account with the Dept of Housing and Urban Development. ONLY governmental entities (including public universities/school districts) may apply. Non-profits are no longer eligible to apply for this specific account. This represents a significant change in eligibility as previous years have seen our office fund numerous projects (including food pantry, meal delivery programs, construction/renovation of community centers) through the EDI account. 

Once completed, each request will be reviewed by our office in a timely manner. We historically have received a high volume of requests and appreciate your patience. Please be aware that we may reach out to request additional information so please keep an eye on your email. It is important to remember that even if a project is selected among the 15 projects submitted by this office for consideration, that is NOT a guarantee of funding. Funding of eligible Community Projects is contingent on approval by the House Committee on Appropriations AND Congress passing a full year appropriations bill for FY2025.

The below questions are designed to assist our office in preparing our submission to the House Committee on Appropriations. Please answer them to the best of your ability. 
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Name of Person Submitting this Request
Phone Number
Contact Email

Proposed Recipient of Funds (must be governmental or non-profit entity only; please use the legal name of entity receiving funds)

Non-Profit EIN
Address of Proposed Recipient
Short Project Name (i.e. “Main Street Road Improvements,” “Community Food Bank,” etc.)
Location/Address of Project
Requested Funding Amount
Project Description

Project Budget (include ALL costs of project, specify where Community Project Funds would be spent, avoid abbreviations/acronyms)

Please list any additional sources of funding for this project (many Projects are subject to statutory federal cost share requirements)
Why is this project important to NY-09? Why is it a good use of taxpayer funds?
Please list any other Members of Congress receiving this request
Community Support - Community engagement and support play a critical role in determining which projects are worthy of Federal funding. Only projects with demonstrated community support will be considered. Examples of demonstrable support include, but are not limited to: letters of support from elected community leaders, press articles highlighting the need for the requested project, support from newspaper editorial boards, projects listed in State use plans, community development plans, or other publicly available documents, or resolutions passed by city councils or community boards. Please provide links to websites with relevant supporting documents in the below answer. To submit copies of supporting documents (e.g., letters of support), please email Steven.Blattner@mail.house.gov with a subject line reading "[Entity/Project Name] NY09CPF FY25 Community Support Documents" to be appropriately considered. Emails not sent with the correct subject line may be misplaced.
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