Wilmington Bilingual Preschool Request for Info
Thank you for your interest in Wilmington Bilingual Preschool! Please complete the following form and we will reach out to you with more information.
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Parent Name *
Child #1 Name *
Child #1 Age
Child #1- Birthday (To Help Determine Class Placement)
Child #2 Name
Child #2 Age
Child #2 Birthday (To Help Determine Class Placement)
Best Parent Contact Phone Number *
Email Address (To Receive our Updates) *
What is the best way to contact you?
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What is the best time to reach you?
Are you interested in full time day care or half-day preschool for your child? *
What schedule are you interested in? *
What Start Date are You Considering?
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In what part of Southeastern NC do you live? *
How did you find out about Wilmington Bilingual Preschool? *
Why are you interested in Spanish immersion preschool for your child? *
Please provide mailing address below:
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