Building Use Form
This form is for organizations/community members to fill out information when wanting to obtain information about renting out our building for their use. 
Please read the following: 
Church On Main's Mission Statement 
Church on Main is a worshipping community where we seek to follow the way of Jesus through:
– Love of God, self, others,
– Mission to all in need,
– And celebration of our diverse identities, including race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, physical and mental health, age, sexual identity, religious background, and social-economic status.
We intentionally affirm and welcome all.

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Date of Inquiry 
Email *
Phone  *
Name  *
Website/Social Media (if applicable) 
Why are you interested in renting out our space?  *
Please describe the services provided by your organization:
Do you work with youth or adults?
Which space are you looking to rent out?  *
How many people do you need to accommodate?

When do you want to start using the building?

How frequently would you need space? (example: one day event or M/W every other week)
What specific times do you need to utilize building space?
Do you need any special accommodations for building use?

Do you carry insurance for your program and organization?

In what ways do you think you and your program can make a difference in the area of Middletown/MOT?
Mission Statement:
Church on Main is a worshipping community where we seek to follow the way of Jesus through:
– Love of God, self, others,
– Mission to all in need,
– And celebration of our diverse identities, including race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, physical and mental health, age, sexual identity, religious background, and social-economic status.
We intentionally affirm and welcome all.

How does you event/organization further this mission and values of the church?
Buliding Use and Policy Document
Building Use and Policy Document
After reviewing the document above: do you agree to our building use and policies?  *
Any other questions or comments you’d like to share?
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