Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Survey
There are over 50 Plant Select Demonstration gardens in 4 states. Please share your perspectives on the one you are visiting today by answering 8 questions. Please feel free to text us a picture at 970-481-3429. Thank you!
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Date of Garden Visit *
Is there educational literature available?  Such as Plant Select Brochures?
Is there Plant Select signage clearly indicating this is a Plant Select Demonstration Garden?
How much of the garden is labeled with plant names?
What is your favorite plant in the garden?
Are you a certified (or in training) Master Gardener?
Weed evaluation 0=none 6= a lot
How full of plants is this garden?
Please feel free to text us a picture (or more) to 970-481-3429. Be sure to include the name of the demonstration garden.
Additional comments
Thank you for visiting a Plant Select Demonstration Garden and participating in our survey!  Happy Gardening!
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