Low Fell Running Club Junior Athlete Membership Form
Membership is open to all junior athletes from the age of 8-16.

The club encourages participation in junior track and field events, junior cross-country, and social training.

To purchase a club vest please go to club FB site, under “featured/announcements”. Link:


Application/Renewal of membership - personal details:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian Telephone Number
Parent/Guardian Email Address
General Data Protection Regulation
When you become a member or renew your membership with Low Fell Running Club, you can also choose to be registered as a member of England Athletics, (EA).  (You will have to register with England Athletics if you ever compete for the club under UKA rulebook).  If you tick the box below we will provide EA with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online portal for you, (called myAthletics).  EA will contact you to invite you to sign into and update your MyAthletics portal, (which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings).  If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with England Athletics, please contact dataprotection@englandathletics.org.
How will LFRC use my Data?
In becoming a member of Low Fell Running Club, LFRC will collect certain information about you which will include your name, date of birth, gender, URN Number, email address, address, telephone number and names of EA affiliated clubs that you are a member of
We will keep your data whilst you are a member of LFRC, however following resignation from the club your data will be kept for 6 months.
In addition to collecting this information we may share this data with the committee and other members of the club for the following activities.  Please select how you are happy for us to share your data.

* Share with club coaches or officials to administer training sessions
* Share with team managers to enter events
* Share with leagues, county associations and other competition providers for entry into events

* Processing of membership forms and payments
* Share data with committee members to provide information about club activities, membership renewals or invitation to         social events
* Publishing of race and competition results
* Website Management

* Sending information about promotions and offers from sponsors
* Sending you club newsletters
* Sending you information about selling club kit, merchandise or fundraising

Please confirm that you are happy for LFRC to share your data in this way and confirm that you are happy to be contacted via email. *
Would you object to your child's photograph being used on the clubs website?
Are you a member of any other clubs?
Please list any other clubs you are a member of
Membership Fees
Please select from the options below. 
 Payment is preferred via on line banking, 
Bank Details, Sort Code 40-34-18 Account Number 64248422 
Please use your name as the reference.  Alternatively, please make cheques payable to Low Fell Running Club and hand to a committee member.
UK Athletics monitoring purposes
Please state your child's ethnicity:
Does your child have a disability?
If you have a medical condition or disability, are there any ways in which the club can make it easier for you to participate?  (please state your condition or disability,
Declaration to England Althetics
I am eligible to compete under UK Athletics Rules.
I accept that my personal data will be held on a computer by the club.
Data provided on this form will be stored on a database managed on behalf of England Athletics by Athletics services.
Personal contact information will be used to send a competition licence / membership card and seek appropriate data clearances.
I agree to conform to the clubs code of conduct as per England Athletics and the junior section (on board at club).

By entering your name below, you are agreeing to the above declaration to England Athletics.  (Name of Parent or Guardian for those under 18)
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