PACC Adoption Application
We are Partners in Animal Care & Compassion (PACC). Our goal is to operate a fair and transparent adoption process, as outlined below:

-Completion of Adoption Application (*required)
-10 min phone call to answer any questions you may have
-20 min meet (opportunity for you to meet the animal in their current setting)
-Notify PACC within 24 hours of the above meeting if you would like to move forward or don't think its a good fit (if we don't hear from you, you will be removed from the potential adopter list)
-Short stay over (2-3 hour visit at your place to assess the right fit - PACC will bring the animal to you and will help with pet intros, as applicable)

Adoption fees help PACC to recover the costs of rescuing your adoptee! (vaccinations, spay/neuter, other vet care as needed, quality nutrition, supplies such as leash, collar, harness, etc). We are an all volunteer rescue, and are not seeking to profit from our animals!
Dog - $250

If the above sounds ok to you, please complete this form and we will reach out to you once its received. We very much appreciate your commitment to rescue!
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Full Name *
Street Address (# and street) *
City, Zip *
Email *
Daytime Phone Number *
Evening Phone Number if different than Daytime
Name of the animal you are interested in adopting *
How did you hear about this animal? *
What draws you to the animal you are interested in adopting? *
What do you imagine might be some of the rewards and challenges related to adopting this animal? How would you approach the challenges? *
Are pets allowed where you live? *
Are there any weight or breed restrictions where you live?  *
If you rent, have you confirmed with the landlord you can have a dog? *
Who will be the animal's primary caretaker? *
If the dog you are interested in adopting is large and strong would you be able to physically handle them? *
Where would s/he be living (day/evening/sleeping)? *
How many hours a day will s/he be left alone, and where will s/he be left? *
Do you have a yard and if so is it fenced? If you do not have a yard please check "other" and elaborate on your situation. *
How many humans and other animals live in your home? Please list AGES for all adults, children, dogs, cats, etc. *
If the animal you are interested in is not recommended in a home with children have you factored in having children in the future? Or visiting children or grand children? We ask because too many dogs are rehomed or brought to shelters because adopters adopt a dog that is not appropriate with children, then have children or grandchildren, and ask to rehome the dog. We are interested in avoiding this, as it is hard on everyone involved (Type N/A if this does not apply to the dog you are interested in) *
Have you had pets in the last 10 years?  If so, please describe *
If you had to give up a pet in the past, please describe the circumstances *
If you had to move, what would you do with this animal? *
Are you in a position to provide daily/weekly exercise? *
Are you financially prepared to pay for routine health care, as well as unforeseen medical problems?
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How would you rate your experience with animals? (1 = this would be your first animal or you haven't had an animal for many years. 5 = you have had several animals with profound behavioral challenges - resource guarding, wariness of strangers, leash reactivity, not suitable for children, etc.) *
Little to no experience
Very experienced, have had animals with very challenging behaviors
If you go on a trip, who would take care of him/her? *
Name of the veterinarian you use and phone number? *
I hereby affirm that I have answered the above questions completely and truthfully.  *
Do you have any questions for us?
Thank you for your interest in adopting from PACC. We will be in touch soon!
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