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BQ Consolidated Translation API Allowlisting
Please fill out the details below and stay tuned for the next steps from our team as soon as we are ready to process your request.
FYI - allowlisting is at the Project Number/ID level.
Thank you!
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* Indica uma pergunta obrigatória
Seu e-mail
Company Name
If you are a Partner submitting this request on behalf of your customer, please list both: Partner Name as well as the Customer/Company Name.
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Contact Email(s)
If multiple, please submit them in xxx@yyy.zzz comma-separated format.
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Google Point of Contact Email(s)
This is not required but if you are working with a Google Team, please add them in. If multiple Googlers are involved, please submit them in xxx@yyy.zzz comma-separated format.
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BigQuery Project Number(s) to allowlist (NUMERIC)
List of comma-separated BigQuery Project Number(s) that you would like to allowlist for the tool.
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I certify that I am under NDA with Google
Would you also like to be allowlisted for the Interactive UI powered by the Consolidated API?
Anything else you would like to add/share
Example: urgent need for the allow-listing due to POC/migration schedule etc.
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