Utopias-Dystopias course feedback, 5th p.
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What aspects of this class did you value most? (Choose up to four) *
Comment on your choices above, if you care to (optional).
How valuable were the walking discussions? *
Comment briefly on walking discussions, if you care to
Do you feel the quiz-ish things were fair, more or less? *
In the end, did this class feel different than a "typical" English class? *
Did you appreciate the ways this class was different from a typical English class, or miss the more typical model, or...? *
If you've had a Majerus English class before (not including Creative Writing), was this better, worse, or just different than your previous Majerus experiences? (Or was it... the same?) *
What did you find most invigorating, elucidating, exciting, or useful about this class?
What would you expect from a "normal" English class that you missed in this class?
What would you expect from a "normal" English class that you were fine not having in this class?
What do you suggest for improving future versions of this class?
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