Festivids Buddies 2024
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Your AO3 username: *
Your email address: *
Are you participating in festivids this year? *
If you're making a vid or vids, who are they for?
What fandoms are you considering vidding in? (Very optional! It's also fine if you don't know yet.)
You are looking for:
If you chose technical assistance, what are you looking for help with?
If you chose source acquisition, what are you looking for help with?
You can offer:
If you chose technical assistance, what can you assist with?
If you chose source acquisition, what can you assist with?
Can we match you to more than one person?
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Are there any participants you'd prefer not to be paired with?
Are there any fandoms or types of fandoms that you would prefer not to assist with?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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