2018 Kids Camps at Palisade Playhouse
This enrollment form solidifies a spot for your child in the camp.  Please fill out every question!

All weeks of camp meet Monday-Friday, with M-Th half-day (9-noon), full day (9am-3pm) and full day plus after hours care (9am-5pm) options. On Fridays, camp will run from 9am-1pm for all children. At 1pm, there will be a performance showcasing the featured musical performed by the children. Family and friends are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Camp will conclude on Fridays following the performance.

If you enroll before Tuesday, March 20, or if you enroll for more than one week, you'll receive a $10 discount for each week of camp!

Invoices for payment will be sent out when we receive your enrollment.  Payment will be due 3 weeks before each session of camp begins (or when you sign up, if you enroll less than 3 weeks before camp begins).  If you have any additional questions, please email Michelle at palisadeplayhouse@gmail.com.  
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Email *
Parent's First & Last Name
Phone Number
Child's First & Last Name
Additional Children's First & Last Name(s)
Child(ren)'s grade (2017-18 school year)
I am interested in the following session(s):
I would like to enroll my child(ren) for:
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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