1:1 Writing Mentorship Application Form
Hello! Thank you for considering me as your mentor on your writing and/or self-publishing journey. Please take a moment to complete this form, which marks the first step in the application process. Please keep in mind that spaces are limited, as I prioritize serving others with my utmost dedication.
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Email *
Full Name: *
Where are you located and what timezone are you in? *
Why are you interested in working with me in particular? *
What genre of book are you writing/wanting to write? *
Which of these best describe the stage you're in? (There is no right or wrong answer!) *
Define what being a successful author looks and feels like to you: *
Are you able to commit to 2 + hours per month of virtual calls/emails/planning, etc. (depending which package you choose)? *
Have you worked with a mentor before? If yes, what worked and/or didn't work for you?
In one year from now, where would you like to be in your writing/self-publishing journey? *
I understand that 1:1 Mentorship Packages range from $525-1775 CAD and span from 8-20 weeks.  *
Which coaching package are you interested in at this time?

Note: Upon completion of a mentorship program, 1 hr. single sessions are available at $115 CAD, which include an email highlighting session notes, support, recommendations, action steps, worksheets, etc.
When would you like to begin the mentorship?

What I offer through my mentorship and digital courses is compassion, encouragement, and support through providing accountability, goal setting tools, feedback, steps, and action plans. The advice, tools, and practices I share are based on my own personal experiences and what have worked for me while self-publishing.

While I am passionate about serving and helping others, I am not a substitute for your own writing, consistency, and work. What I have learned from my own writing journey is that consistency is key. I am simply a resource and support system to guide you through the steps of writing a book, familiarizing you with self-publishing, and keeping you on track to achieve your goals. 

Upon purchasing any of my mentorship packages, digital courses, or accessing any "freebies", you and I, together, agree that these tools and teachings are not to be a guarantee on the success of your book. I cannot guarantee you will sell a set number of books, or get published, however, I can assist in putting together a marketing plan and action steps.

Any testimonials or statements shared from past or current clients are based on their personal progress, dedication, and genre. Each individual will experience their own growth and success, as we are all on different paths. Therefore, the results and experiences will vary for each individual. 

We are all responsible for our lives and growth. We are all responsible for our own progress, who we want to be, and how we show up in the world. We are all responsible for our personal commitments. My promise to you is to always show up with heart, compassion, encouragement, and understanding. As well as to put forth my best effort during our time together. I ask that you put forth your best effort and have an open mind and heart during your own path to writing and/or self-publishing.

I, and everything offered herein, are only one set of tools to help you unlock your personal potential and transform your idea into a book. 

All the best,
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