Christian Camp Pro Sponsor Form
This form is required for all new listings to the Christian Camp Pro directory.
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What sponsorship level are you interested in? *
What is the name of your Christian camp/retreat facility? *
We ONLY accept actual and permanent Christian campgrounds and retreat facility locations.
What is the business phone number? *
This should be the number you would like potential guests to call to book an event or receive more information.  Example: (111) 222-3333
What is the business website? *
What is the business PHYSICAL address? *
PO Boxes will NOT be published.  We need the address people would use to physically drive to your location.  Please list your FULL address.
Point of Contact Information
What is your point of contact's name? *
What is your point of contact's email address? *
Once submitted, we will review and send you an invoice for the payment option you selected.
Please provide a brief description of your facility.
The information you provide below will be listed on your state's page in the Camp Directory.  (around 3-5 sentences works best)
FREE Listings ONLY
This section only needs to be filled out if you're seeking a basic FREE listing.
Where can we find the direct link to Christian Camp Pro on your website?
All new free listings are required to link to Christian Camp Pro somewhere on your website. Without this link your listing will not be accepted.
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