Harris County Community Services Department (CSD) Mortgage Lender Questionnaire
Thank you for expressing interest in becoming a Participating Mortgage Lender with the Harris County CSD Down Payment Assistance Program (DAP). Below are a few questions to determine your eligibility to participate.
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Email *
Name *
NMLS # *
Company *
Company Address *
Phone *
1. Does your company seek out potential low-income home buyers in Harris County? *
2. What form of advertising does your company use to reach potential low-income home buyers in Harris County? *
3. Within the last year, approximately how many low-income buyers' has your company served? *
4. Does your company administer sub-prime loans to potential home buyer's? *
5. What types of loans does your company administer? (Check all that apply) *
6. Is your company willing to discount some of its cost to potential low-income home buyer's in order that more of the DAP award may go towards down payment or mortgage reduction?  If yes, what would the discount(s) be? *
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