Manda Bands Order Form - Original Manda Band
Please use this form to place your order. A PayPal invoice will be sent and orders will be made upon receipt of payment. You will be able to see your pieces for approval before shipping. Shipping (via USPS First Class) and handling is a flat $5 rate. Orders will be shipped to the address provided through PayPal and all sales will be final.
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Do you understand and agree to the information above regarding invoicing, approval and mailing?
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PayPal Email Address (for Invoicing)
Email Address to Approve Pieces (if different)
How many are you ordering?
Let's personalize your order!
Use the following format for each bracelet ordered (Thin/"Believe" or Thick/"Adventure is Out There"). Use <heart> to input a heart.
Leave any special instructions regarding spelling, packaging or gifting here!
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