Listening Strengths Assessment
Dear Aspiring Guanacaste (Listening Tree):

Want to be more successful by relating better to others?  Understanding their needs and issues?  Being seen as an encourager?  Want to listen BETTER!  This listening assessment can show you how! You are commended for your willingness to strengthen and grow your listening competency, capacity, and capability

With this assessment you will glimpse your general tendency to L-I-S-T-E-N to self and others.  It is designed to help you understand your strengths and note areas for improvement. It incentivizes the Listening Growth Mindset (LGM): to move through deeper and deeper levels of listening development, adaptation, and transformation.  Based on scientific research, this assessment offers a reflective opportunity to consider how you listen and how you are being invited do it even better. 

Listening is strength.  You are commended for your willingness to strengthen and grow your listening competency, capacity, and capability.  


You are given an inventory of questions to respond. Provide your overall best response. At the end you will receive an assessment score. The rubrics to that score are as follows:

100 - 120 - You are a Guanacaste growing towards the sun and on the path to bearing Guanacaste seeds. Practice the insights and come take the assessment again and encourage others to do the same.  

90 - 99   - You are a Guanacaste growing towards the sun with branches in budding bloom. Put to practice additional assessment insights you gleaned and come take the assessment again in one month and encourage others to do the same.

80 - 89   - You are a Guanacaste growing towards the sun with branches showing emergent buds for bloom. Put to practice some of the assessment insights you gleaned and come take the assessment again in one month and encourage others to do the same.  

< 75       - You are a Guanacaste growing towards the sun as you extend new branches from which buds become blooms. Put to practice some of the assessment insights you gleaned and come take the assessment again in one month and encourage others to do the same.

Congratulations on your willingness to strengthen your listening skills and grow your listening effectiveness. Effective listening occurs where both conversational partners--speaker and the listener--come to the dialogue prepared to hear and be heard, listen and be listened to, understand and be understood, transform and be transformed. To that end, please invite others to try the assessment as well.  

Thank you for your tree-mendous engagement.  Thanks for listening!

Dr. John G. Igwebuike
The Lead Listening Institute
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Listening Assessment
I prepare to listen by engaging in some practice (e.g. deep breathing, meditation, quiet reflection, etc.) to put myself in a state of emotional presence for another person. *
5 points
I seek to create safe spaces where a person can feel seen, heard, listened to, and understood. *
5 points
To prepare to listen to another person I clear away distractions that may block a free-flowing communication.   *
5 points
Before a conversation, I will generally announce that I am turning off my cell phone because what my conversational partner (CP) has to share is important for me to listen to and hear. *
5 points
I withhold prejudgments, prejudices, and predispositions about the speaker('s ideas). *
5 points
I maintain an open, welcoming posture (e.g. not fold my arms or cross my legs, or roll my eyes), even if I hear something about which I disagree. *
5 points
I acknowledge before asserting. *
5 points
I seek first to understand, then to be understood. *
5 points
In the main, I allow a person to finish a joke I have heard before, and even try to find new humor in the re-telling. *
5 points
I tend to place more emphasis on the way a person says something and less emphasis on what the person says. *
5 points
I approach conversations with others with an openness to what a person has to share.   *
5 points
In conversations or dialogue, I try to be the first to listen. *
5 points
As a rule of thumb, I listen to understand, not just to reply. *
5 points
As a rule of thumb, I listen to understand, not just wait for my turn to speak.
5 points
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I generally do not interrupt my conversation partner (the speaker). *
5 points
In most conversations, I listen more than I speak.   *
5 points
I try to restate, repeat, rephrase or recap what a person has shared to clarify understanding of what I heard ("What I heard you share is _________: is that correct?"). *
5 points
I maintain a "Listening Journal" to document my journey of self-awareness and self-improvement. *
5 points
I go out of my way to "thank the listeners" in my life.   *
5 points
After a conversation, I tend to reflect upon what has been shared and will generally do a post-conversation outreach (e.g. to thank the person for sharing or to recap what was shared or to check-in or to follow-up) *
5 points
I consume a healthy diet of listening literature, books, articles, journals, and/or videos to enhance my listening knowledge, skills, and acumen (i.e. on a monthly basis). *
5 points
I tend to adapt my listening to the situational context, culture, and/or communication style of my conversational partner (CP) so that that person can feel more fully heard. *
5 points
I have--or would be interested in having--a listening coach, counselor, or accountability partner to support my listening improvement quest. *
5 points
In what way do you like for others to listen to you? *
Examples: "I prefer eye contact" or "I want someone to listen to me without judgment" or "I appreciate undivided attention" or "I like when the speaker recaps what I've shared"  etc.
What further questions might you have regarding effective listening skills?
I would be interested in attending a day-long professional development conference annually that focuses on improving my listening skills. *
5 points
Think of a person in your life who is a tremendous listener. Keeping them in mind, what attributes make them such a wonderful listener for you?
As a reflective listening practice, please honor them by sharing who this special listener is and your reason for choosing them?
5 points
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