Custom Private Trip Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in working with BOOKED Trips on a custom trip for your group. BOOKED Trips creates immersive travel experiences inspired by books. Our mission is to connect curious and community-minded women through storytelling.  Please fill out this interest form so that we have a bit more information to help plan with you.

We have existing group itineraries in Cape Town, South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Accra, Ghana, Cartagena, Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, Mexico City, Mexico, and Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica that can be customized. 

We are currently accepting June-December 2025 trip requests. After filling out this form we will schedule a 30-minute planning call. 
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Email *
What is your full name?
When are you hoping to have this trip? Note: trips require a minimum of 6 months lead time to plan.  *
How many people do you anticipate will be on the trip? Please note our trips require a minimum of 7 people and a maximum of 15.  *
How many days would you like the trip to be? *
What locations do you have in mind? *
What is your budget for this trip? *
What book(s) are you interested in curating an experience around?
Are you celebrating a special occasion? *
What type of trip are you hoping for? (check all that apply) *
What activities would you love to do?
What activities would you prefer to avoid?
What are your non-negotiables?
Anything else that's important for us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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