Welcome to Drop-In Dungeons!
NEW Classes and Campaigns at Battle Grounds Gaming Cafe!

Drop-In Dungeons continues to offer our monthly calendar of FREE open-table one-shots and campaigns (scroll down), and we've added (in partnership with Battle Grounds Gaming Cafe, 3738 NE Sandy Blvd) a new slate of classes and ticketed RPG campaigns. Click through for details and to register:

Ticketed Premium RPG Campaigns | Oct 12+26, Nov 16+30, & Dec 14+28
4pm - Escape from Neverland (5E 2014 core)
7pm - What Lies Beneath the Witch-Wood (Shadowdark RPG)

Classes/Workshops | Sept 14+21, Oct 12+26, Nov 16+30, & Dec 14+28
Noon - Learn to Play D&D - one hour, includes dice & character sheet.
1pm - Dungeon Mastery Crash Course - two hours, includes adventure tools.

Open-Table Monthly Calendar

Drop-In Dungeons runs commitment-free roleplaying adventures for players of all experience levels. Rule books, dice, and pre-generated character sheets are provided so you can jump right in. Our monthly schedule in Portland, Oregon is:
  • As available - Wildcard Night at venues throughout Portland; GM's choice of personal favorites, indie darlings, and novelties. We've recently played: 5E D&D, Lasers & Feelings, Mothership, Call of Cthulhu.
  • 2nd Monday - Help Action Therapy at Battle Grounds Gaming Cafe, 3738 NE Sandy Blvd; a problem-solving and mutual support coffee-talk night for game masters of all systems.
  • 2nd Wednesday - Megadungeon Night at Experiment PDX, 1421 SE Stark St.; an ongoing open-table campaign in the classic style, for all comers. Based in the Swords & Wizardry Complete interpretation of original 1970s D&D, but compatible with characters and concepts from the whole first 25 years of the game. This session shares continuity with the 4th Monday game at Birdie Time Pub. A (legal) free PDF of Swords & Wizardry 2E is hosted here: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Swords-Wizardry-Complete-revised.pdf
  • 3rd Wednesday - Shadowdark Night at Experiment PDX, 1421 SE Stark St.; fantasy dungeon-crawling adventures using Shadowdark RPG, an independent, fast-playing "hybrid edition" using familiar rules from classic and modern D&D. Get the free quickstart PDFs from https://www.thearcanelibrary.com/products/shadowdark-rpg-quickstart-set-pdf.
  • 4th Monday - Megadungeon Night at Birdie Time Pub, 925 SE Main St.; an ongoing open-table campaign in the classic style, for all comers. Based in the Swords & Wizardry Complete interpretation of original 1970s D&D, but compatible with characters and concepts from the whole first 25 years of the game. This session shares continuity with the 2nd Wednesday game at Experiment PDX.
  • 4th Wednesday - Broad Horizons Night at Battle Grounds Gaming Cafe, 3738 NE Sandy Blvd; multiple simultaneous tables of non-5E options. Come explore roleplaying beyond D&D! Try a system you've been curious about or bring your players to see what's possible. Always accepting one-shot pitches!
Presently, all Portland games start at 7pm. Birdie Time Pub is restricted to 21+ admission from 7pm to close.

We gently but firmly enforce the following player expectations:
  • Respect the venue! They make this all possible. Please show your gratitude to our hosts by supporting their business and being courteous to their staff. 
  • Respect non-player customers! Stay mindful that we’re sharing a public space. Language, behavior, and volume shouldn’t disrupt neighboring tables. 
  • Respect your Game Master! Even one-shot adventures take long preparation. Aim to be engaged, cooperative, and sporting; one day it could be you running the table! 
  • Respect your fellow players! Make room for everyone to participate, and never forget you’re talking to a person when you’re interacting with their character.
The Drop-In Dungeons Golden Rule is: If you think there might be a conflict between “what my character would do” and what keeps the game fun for everybody, err in favor of the real people sitting at the table with you.

Questions? Email dropindungeons@gmail.com. See you at the table!
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Enter your email address for upcoming game reminders and to be notified as we add events and venues: *
[Optional] Want to run a game with us?
Drop-In Dungeons can host any system or scenario that's public-venue-friendly, beginner-friendly (including pre-generated character sheets you supply), and pick-up-and-playable in a 2-hour timeslot. We'll happily loan you dice, rolling trays, and writing instruments, and can consult on adventure design and table tips for fulfilling play in a short session. Run a one-shot adventure or a monthly open-table series/campaign!
[Optional] Want a game night at your venue?
An RPG night is fun for your guests and a great magnet for new regulars. Let us play matchmaker between your cafe, pub, etc., and Portland's growing community of game masters, you just reserve a table and extend hospitality to the GM. Once you're scheduled we'll promote your night in our weekly reminder email. Check the box below for more information:
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