Adopt-A-Spot Captain Application
Adopt-A-Spot encourages residents to improve their neighborhoods by; cleaning littered curbs, sidewalks, and vacant lots; cutting grass and high weeds, planting flowers, removing signs from utility poles, reporting graffiti, and other activities. In appreciation of your commitment to the quality of life within your community, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful will provide supplies to aid in the improvement of your adopted spot.

Spot Captain Responsibilities

Any individual or organized group or business may participate in the Adopt-A-Spot program. Up to three (3) individuals, organizations or businesses can adopt an area together. All adopted spots must be on public property or in the public right-of-way. This includes traffic islands, city-owned vacant lots, and the right of way between the curb and the sidewalk.

We will score each assigned location at random once per quarter to ensure that all requirements are being met.
Spot Captains are required to:

1) Clean the spot a min. at least 1 day/month.

2) Report the amount of litter and recycling collected on a monthly basis to KCB.

3) Adopt the spot for at least 1 year.

Questions? Call Emily at (513) 513-352-4517 or e-mail Adopt@KeepCincinnatiBeautiful.orgĀ 

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Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Phone Number: *
Email Address: *
Would You Like to Receive our Monthly e-Newsletter? *
Adopting Organization or Business (if applicable): *
In which Cincinnati neighborhood is your "spot"? *
Detailed description of the area you would like to adopt: *
Please be as specific as possible. Include block, street, intersection, etc.
Type of location: *
Name Desired on Sign: *
Limit 28 Characters, Including Spaces. Important: Your sign will be ordered for production after 3 months of results have been reported.
Near which intersection or address should the sign be? *
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