Registration Form for Two Patients Symposium 2024

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming symposium, "Two Patients: Caring for the Pregnant Mother - The Perinatal Hospice Model of Hope." The symposium aims to emphasize the importance of holistic and compassionate care for families facing challenging prenatal diagnoses. The event will be divided into two parts:

I. The holistic care of families expecting babies with a disability or fragile life and advances in perinatal medicine.

II. Supporting parents given a negative prenatal diagnosis in welcoming the gift of a fragile life.

Key Note Speakers: Dr. Christina Francis, OB/GYN, President of AAPLOG USA., Dr. John T. Bruchalski, MD, FACOG, Founder of Tepeyac OBGYN, Divine Mercy Care Clinic and Prof. Giuseppe Noia, Director of the Perinatal Hospice of the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital, Rome.

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