Operation Noah study guide - User Survey
Operation Noah is currently developing a study guide to help churches, small groups and individuals explore how care for creation relates to Christian faith. The resource will be built around a series of interactive Bible-based group studies. We would love to hear your thoughts as we prepare this resource, so please do take a few moments to fill out our brief survey! Better yet, share with a friend!

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Would you be interested in this resource about caring for creation?
What content would you look for (or avoid) in such a resource?
Which formats would you prefer?
Can we contact you when the resource is available?
If yes, please indicate your name and preferred contact details (email or phone).
Example: 'Mr John Smith - john@smith.com.' Don't worry – we won't share this information with third parties!
What is your church affiliation?
How interested would your church to be in this resource?
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