826 Enrichment Fund Award Application
This is the application for the 826 Enrichment Fund Award for Spring '24. Applications are due June 1, 2024. The award is a $300 grant to be used to supplement an extracurricular or enrichment pursuit that would not otherwise be available in school or through school-based organizations. For more information, please visit the website: www.826enrich.org

Applications are evaluated using the following criteria:
1. The extent to which the student is passionate & invested in their extracurricular pursuit.
2. The uniqueness of the enrichment opportunity & the extent to which it requires additional financial support to meaningfully pursue outside of school.
3. The potential impact of the award on the recipient's educational experience & personal development.
4. The ability of the recipient to concisely explain and articulate the value & significance of their passion and how the award would help them.

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Email *
Full Name *
What are your preferred gender pronouns?
Your Grade *
Have you previously applied for the award? *
What is your extracurricular pursuit or enrichment activity that you're passionate about and for which you'd like to use this award? Please describe your interest in this activity or pursuit and explain how it has contributed to your learning and personal growth. (5-8 sentences) *
How do you plan to use the award to further your extracurricular pursuits and enrich your education? Please be as specific as possible, explaining how you would use the funding. (3-5 sentences) *
Example: "I will buy a field test kit, costing $250, that I will use to study samples from Merrymeeting Bay..."
Why does your extracurricular pursuit or enrichment activity require additional funding for you to meaningfully pursue it? Please highlight, for example, how existing programs or organizations in the community lack the resources or opportunities to help you. (3-5 sentences) *
Example: "In order to elevate my performance, I need to start competing on the national level, which will cost money in travel and registration fees..."
What excites you the most about the possibility of receiving this award? Please answer in only one sentence. *
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