YCEP Survey
This survey is an electoral study on people's attitudes and beliefs about various issues in the society. This research is the first of its kind. Since the next election is 2023 , this study has been a part of national study on electoral issues. We ask you for permission to ask you a few questions.

We are obliged to tell you that you have the right to refuse to answer any single question and you do not have to answer the whole questionnaire. All answers are treated highly confidential and your name does not appear in anyplace in the data, neither on the questionnaire nor in the working process of the data.
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Do you consider your interest in politics very great, great, some, little, or are you not interested in politics at all?
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Do you think that politicians are in general trustworthy, that many of them are trustworthy, some are trustworthy, few, or perhaps none?
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