Undergraduate Field Experiences Research Network (UFERN) Application for 2019 Network Meeting
UFERN seeks to build a vibrant, supportive, and sustainable collaborative network that fosters effective undergraduate field learning experiences. UFERN will be holding the 2019 network meeting October 15 - 18, 2019 at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest in Oregon. We have a select number of fully funded slots to participate in this meeting. We are looking for candidates who can commit to attending the network meeting, have the expertise and capacity to contribute to collaborative projects, and the enthusiasm to co-learn with colleagues from diverse disciplines.

Our goal for the meeting is to bring a variety of perspectives together. We welcome those who are new to UFERN as well as those who have been involved from the beginning, and we welcome applicants from various stages in their careers.

APPLICATION DUE August 1, 2019
Review of applications and invites will be sent out by August 15th.
Questions can be directed to Kari O'Connell, UFERN PI or Kelly Hoke, UFERN Program Coordinator
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Goals of the 2019 UFERN Network Meeting are to:
1. Reinvigorate UFERN with clear direction and enthusiasm.
2. Support current and identify new UFERN project groups with clear direction, leadership, and products on which to collaborate.
3. Define next steps for involving a broad network of undergraduate field programs in common assessment of student outcomes distinctive to field learning.
4. Develop a research agenda focused on undergraduate field learning experiences.
5. Support participants to form positive connections with each other, see the value of the network and leave motivated to remain engaged participants of the network.

Tell us about you
First and Last Name *
Professional Title *
Email Address *
Institution and Department *
Do you identify as... (Check all that apply)
Institution type (Check all that apply)
UFERN Involvement
New interest and seasoned UFERN participants are encouraged to apply! If you have engaged with UFERN, please tell us how.
What has your involvement been with UFERN thus far? Please check all that apply.
UFERN Project Group Interest
Current goals of each project group are listed. The Network meeting will be used to work towards these goals, and to build on these projects to organize new project groups. Please keep in mind that as a Research Coordination Network, our efforts need to build upon, support, or expand existing efforts or consist of small, pilot projects that can facilitate submission of proposals for bigger efforts. If you have an existing effort that aligns with UFERN and that the network can build upon, there is also space below to suggest it for a new collaborative project group. Please reach out to Kari O’Connell (kari.oconnell@oregonstate.edu) or Kelly Hoke (kelly.hoke@oregonstate.edu ) if you have any questions.
In which project group are you interested (Check all that apply)? *
How will you bring a diverse lens to the network meeting?
What expertise or capacity for impact do you bring to the project group of interest and UFERN overall?
What projects or efforts are you working on currently that would benefit from and/or contribute to UFERN?
What would you like to take away from the network meeting and/or from being involved in UFERN?
Are you able to fund your travel or do you need UFERN to cover travel expenses?  This information is for planning purposes only, and will help us decide how many participants we can fully fund to attend the meeting.
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