Archives Game Survey
The Archives is currently doing research about other games that our regular viewers play often. Currently, we have an Animal Jam website and website.

Please note that not all of the games listed here are family friendly.
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Of these games, do you play any of them as frequently or more often than Animal Jam and/or *
Check as many as you like. If a game isn't on this list, you can type names of multiple games into the "Other" selection.
Of the games you selected above, which ones would you be interested in reading Archives-like content for? (Guides, Update Reviews, Interactive Posts) *
Please only select games that you previously selected in question one. It's okay if you play a game you selected before, but are not interested in reading Archives-like content about! If you used the "Other" option in question one, just type that same thing into this question's "Other" option.
For those of you that answered Roblox or Hardcore MMOs, we would appreciate if you could give us some more details.
For Roblox, what games do you play the most often? For Hardcore MMOs, this is the place to let us know which games you're thinking of.
What is your age range? *
Why we ask for this: Knowing the age of our readers help gear our content more towards your tastes. Your answer is anonymous.
If you have any other thoughts, you may share them here. General feedback on the Archives is also appreciated!
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