Parkside Jr. High PTO Interest Form

Welcome to a new school year at Parkside Junior High!  As parents, you are part of the Parkside Jr High PTO and we hope you will choose to participate in the way that best suits you and your family.  We ask that you fill out the sections you are interested in below to help support the Parkside Students, Faculty and PTO.  Any questions please contact
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電子郵件 *
Name *
Phone Number *
PTO Volunteer Opportunities:  Throughout the year, there are times we need volunteers to assist with various events.  Please check the areas you would be interested in helping with and we will contact you as the need arises. *
PTO Positions:  If you are interested in taking on an active role on the PTO board/committee chair, please check the boxes you are interested in and the current officers will be in contact with you: *
No Hassle Fundraiser:  This year you can OPT-OUT of traditional fundraising by making a donation that will go 100% to Parkside Jr. High!  These funds will help with things such as:  equipment for classrooms, supporting students in need of supplies, etc.  Click here to donate online (any amount is appreciated):
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