Abstract Touch Speaking Engagement          request form

The public is invited to request Abstract Touch to speak at an upcoming event. Please complete the form below. A minimum of one month’s advanced notice is required for a request to be considered. All communication from Abstract Touch, for both approvals and denials, will be directed to the point of contact listed in the form.

Please note: Submitting a Speaking Engagement Request Form does not guarantee that an Abstract Touch representative will attend the upcoming event.

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Email *
Name of Organization(s) requesting speaker *
Is this a Profit or Non-profit Organization? *
is this event in-person? *
Brief description of event and sponsoring organization(s) *
Website for Sponsoring organization(s) *
Event Start Date *
Event End Date *
For what date(s) and time(s) are you requesting Abstract Touch speaker? *
Event Location *
Event Address (including City, State, & Zip code) *
Event Point of Contact (First and Last Name) *
Event Point of Contact Title *
Event Point of Contact Email *
Event Point of Contact Work Phone *
Who is being requested? *
Speech Format- i.e.: fireside chat, keynote address, panel participant, remarks without Q&A, remarks with Q&A (please include details on time allotment in comments) *
What topic(s) would you like Abstract Touch to speak on? *
Is a draft agenda currently available? *
Audience Profile *
Expected number of attendees *
Is there an admission charge for attendees? *
Will travel expenses be allotted (including but not limited to hotel, air, and transportation) *
What is the organization's current budget for event speaker *
Is Abstract Touch speaker allowed to mention services from stage AND sell products during event? *
Comments - Please include any other relevant details not included above
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