RE-energising the NEM Community
Reinvigorating the NEM Community has been identified by all as something that is wanted and needed.

To help us move forward and to re-energise the NEM Community, we want to explore and discuss what members want from it and how we can improve the experience for everyone.  

As a start, it would be really helpful for Community members to share initial thoughts using this questionnaire.  

We would then love to explore and discuss emerging themes and ideas in focus groups or one to one discussions to formulate our collective approach.  

We will share the collated feedback of the questionnaire, following by the output of the focus groups to shape a plan for Community together.  

Thank you in advance!
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1. For you, what should be the role of the Community in the NEM ecosystem?
2. Can you give any examples of a successful and healthy blockchain community?
3. What is the most valuable or useful type of content you think should be shared?
4. What type of content is most important?
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5. What type of content is not interesting or useful?
6. How would you like to contribute or play a part?
7. Do you have any specific strengths or skills that you think could help move the Community forward?
8. If you could change 1 thing about the community, what would it be?
9. Which channels do you most use for accessing the NEM Community?
10. Are you interested in being involved in a more detailed discussion about how to re-energise the community?
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11. what is the best way for us to get in touch?
12. Are there any areas you are interested in including in the discussion?
13. Please provide your contact details if you would like us to get in touch
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