AMS Social Studio application form
Welcome! Please complete this form to apply for the AMS Social Studio apprenticeship. We are excited to get to know you!

Your application data will be treated in line with our privacy policy.

If you have any questions or challenges completing this form, please email

Thanks and good wishes from the AMS team!
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Email *
Your first name *
Your surname *
Your mobile or WhatsApp number *
Please include country code
The year you were born in *
Link to your LinkedIn profile *
Please paste a link to your CV or resume. *
If you are unable to create a link, you can email your CV to with "Social Studio Application - CV" in the subject line of your email. Please write "Emailed" as your answer to this question on this form. 
What are the links to your other social media profiles? *
For example, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon, etc. Please enter URLs rather than @ handles.
What language(s) do you feel confident working in? *

Please tell us about your English. Is English your first language? If not, how would you describe your proficiency level?


Please confirm you are willing to do an English test. Note: we will cover the cost of the test.


What is your working location? Please give city and country.


What social media course(s) have you completed? Please give the title, institution, and year you completed the course. Note: you do not have to have paid for a certificate.


Please submit one social media project you completed, as part of your course or in another context.

Please paste here a link to a PDF. If you have trouble doing this please email the PDF to

Have you ever had paid work in social media or communications before? Please tell us about that.

Note: We are looking for people who are starting their careers, so Social Studio should be your first or second job in this field.

Tell us about yourself!

We are looking for people who come from diverse backgrounds and perhaps have followed a non-traditional educational or life path. So let your true self shine! 
Your answer can be text (max 200 words), video (max 1.5 minutes), audio (max 1.5 minutes) or any other format. If it is an audiovisual format, paste a link to your answer in this box.

Why do you want to join the AMS Social Studio? 

Your answer can be text (max 200 words), video (max 1.5 minutes), audio (max 1.5 minutes) or any other format. If it is an audiovisual format, paste a link to your answer in this box.

What digital media-related tasks you do find most exciting?

Pick up to three.

Please confirm that you have...


List three dream clients or organisations you’d love to work with.

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