Re-Write It Chapter Leading Interest
Hello! The Re-Write It Project is a non-profit organization that collects, refurbishes, and distributes school supplies. We recently began creating a chapter system to involve more schools in helping achieve our mission.

We're hoping to establish new Re-Write It Clubs that would work to expand the reach of our mission, by helping with refurbishing efforts and spreading awareness on educational inequity.

Specifically, our mission is to provide underserved students access to quality learning resources, in efforts to reduce educational inequities in Chicago. Additionally, we strive to apply environmentally-sustainable practices by refurbishing used materials.

If you would be interested in potentially being in charge of establishing and leading a club as an extension of our organization, please fill out the form below. After receiving responses, we will be sure to email back those of you who are interested.

Please feel free to check out our website or instagram for more information on what we do.

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Name: *
Email: *
Are you interested in starting and leading a Re-Write It Club? *
What school do you want to start the club at? *
How did you hear about our chapter system? *
Use the space below to include any questions or concerns you may have:
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