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Email  *
Name *
Surname *
Prefix of your phone number
Put ONLY your prefix with the + in front. Ex england: +44
Phone number *
Put ONLY the number, do NOT add the Prefix 
Gender *
Date of birth *
Nation of birth *
Ex: Germany, Italy, Spain 
Place of birth (city or town) *
Ex. London, New York 
Nation of residence *
Ex. Germany, England, Italy 
What is your mother language? *
What languages do you speak? *
What is your favourite social media where you create content? *
What are your favourite leisure activities? *
Which social media do you have?  *
Favourite Sport *
Favourite food *
Favourite Dress-Code *
Theme covered within your social media *
ONLY if your theme is Beauty. What's your expertise area? 
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Have you ever collaborated with companies? *
If yes which ones? *
For example: Amazon, Fenty Beauty
Leave the mail of the company you worked with 
Have you ever worked with agencies? *
If yes which ones? *
Leave the mail of the agencies you worked with 
What collaborations would you like to pursue beyond those related to the topics covered in your content? (Select as many options as you like) *
Instagram username (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in)
Main coverage of your content (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in)
You can find this data by clicking on "Insights" in the Instagram settings
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Instagram profile URL (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in)
Instagram followers  (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
How long have you been active on Instagram?  (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in)
Average views of Instagram stories  (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Tik Tok username  (If you don't have Tik Tok don't fill in)
Tik Tok profile URL (If you don't have Tik Tok don't fill in)
Tik Tok follower (If you don't have Tik Tok don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
How long have you been active on Tik Tok?  (If you don't have Tik Tok don't fill in)
Average views of Tik Tok videos  (If you don't have Tik Tok don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Youtube username (If you don't have Youtube don't fill in)
Youtube profile URL (If you don't have Youtube don't fill in)
Youtube followers  (If you don't have Youtube don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Favourite content  (If you don't have Youtube don't fill in)
Clear selection
Average views of SHORTS (If you don't have Youtube don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Average views of NORMAL videos (If you don't have Youtube don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Twitch username  (If you don't have Twitch don't fill in)
Twitch profile URL (If you don't have Twitch don't fill in)
Twitch Subscriptions (If you don't have Twitch don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Twitch followers (If you don't have Twitch don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Twitch Unique Viewers (Last month - If you don't have Twitch don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Twitch Average Viewers  (Last month - If you don't have Twitch don't fill in)I
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Minutes Watched in the last month (If you don't have Twitch don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Onlyfans username  (If you don't have Onlyfans don't fill in)
Onlyfans Subscriptions (If you don't have Onlyfans don't fill in)
Don't use "K", but enter the whole number. For example: 5800; 4800000; 50000
Twitter (X)  Username (If you don't have Twitter don't fill in)
URL Twitter Profile ( (If you don't have Twitter don't fill in)
How many follower do you have on Twitter ? ( (If you don't have Twitter don't fill in)
Facebook Page username (if you don't have Facebook, please skip) P.S. NO REFERENCE TO PERSONAL PROFILES, ONLY IF YOU ARE A CREATOR ON FACEBOOK.
Facebook Page link (if you don't have Facebook, please skip)
How many likes/followers do you have on Facebook? (if you don't have Facebook, please skip)"
How many likes/followers do you have on Facebook? (if you don't have Facebook, please skip)
Snapchat Username (if you don't have Snapchat don't fill in)
Link Snapchat account (if you don't have Snapchat don't fill in)
Follower on Snapchat (if you don't have Snapchat don't fill in)
Average views on Snapchat  (if you don't have Snapchat don't fill in)
What is the predominant gender of your audience? Male or female?
Enter the percentage of the main gender
(If you pressed F in the question above, enter the percentage of F | If instead you pressed M in the question above, enter the percentage of M) Enter only one absolute value. E.g. 24
FIRST Main Country Reached (only input the first country, average across all social media)
Only input the first option that appears, where the majority of your audience is concentrated (you can find this data by clicking on 'Insights' in the menu of Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch)
SECOND Main Country Reached (only input the first country, average across all social media)
Only input the second option that appears, where the majority of your audience is concentrated (you can find this data by clicking on 'Insights' in the menu of Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch)
FIRST Main City Reached (only input the first city, average across all social media)
FIRST Main City Reached (only input the first city, average across all social media)
SECOND Main City Reached (only input the first city, average across all social media)
SECOND Main City Reached (only input the first city, average across all social media)
Percentage of audience between 13-17 years old
Indicate only the percentage you see in the "statistical data". Ex: 24 | DO NOT include the percentage symbol
Percentage of audience between 18-24 years old
Indicate only the percentage you see in the "statistical data". Ex: 24 | DO NOT include the percentage symbol
Percentage of audience between 25-34 years old
Indicate only the percentage you see in the "statistical data". Ex: 24 | DO NOT include the percentage symbol
Percentage of audience between 35-44 years old
Indicate only the percentage you see in the "statistical data". Ex: 24 | DO NOT include the percentage symbol
Percentage of audience between 45-54 years old
Indicate only the percentage you see in the "statistical data". Ex: 24 | DO NOT include the percentage symbol
Percentage of audience between 55-64 years old
Indicate only the percentage you see in the "statistical data". Ex: 24 | DO NOT include the percentage symbol
Percentage of audience over 65
Indicate only the percentage you see in the "statistical data". Ex: 24 | DO NOT include the percentage symbol
What is the price for 1 sponsored Instagram story in euro? (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in) *
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for 1 sponsored Instagram post in euro? (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in)
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for 1 sponsored Instagram reel in euro? (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in)
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for a 15-second content to be recorded and not posted on your profile? (If you don't have Instagram don't fill in) *
For example: a video to post on a brand channel. 
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for 1 sponsored Tik Tok in euro? (If you don't have Tik Tok don't fill in) *
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for a mention of about two minutes in a live Twitch broadcast?  (If you don't have Twitch don't fill in) *
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for a mention of about two minutes on YouTube?  (If you don't have YouTube don't fill in) *
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for a dedicated video on YouTube? (If you don't have YouTube don't fill in) *
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for sponsored content on Twitter? (if you don't have Twitter, please skip)
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for sponsored content on Facebook? (if you don't have Facebook, please skip)
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for sponsored content on Snapchat? (if you don't have Snapchat, please skip)
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
What is the price for sponsored story on Snapchat? (if you don't have Snapchat, please skip)
Put only the amount. It's not necessary to put the euro symbol (ex. 30)
Privacy Notice pursuant to Article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree No. 196/2003). Pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (hereinafter the Code) and subsequent integrations and/or amendments, and in relation to the personal data of Mr. Federico Mazzanti (ID: MZZFRC99D27F205E), born in Milan on 27/04/1999, and residing in Genoa, via Vassallo 2, which will be obtained due to my consent and for accessing files on Google Drive related to events and/or commercial and/or music and/or dance entertainment already held and/or to be held, as referred to in this notice, by signing this paper form and/or accepting by checking the box on the relevant field on the website, I declare to have been adequately informed and expressly accept the following:

1. Purpose of data processing. The processing is solely aimed at obtaining consent to receive communications related to recreational/commercial events and/or collaboration proposals for product or service sponsorship on behalf of third parties at the provided personal addresses. This document (the "Notice") has been drafted to enable an understanding of how the subscriber's Personal Data, as defined below, will be processed in the use and/or viewing of Google Drive program contents.

2. Data processing methods. a) The processing may be carried out with or without the use of electronic or automated tools; b) the processing is carried out by the data controller and/or by authorized persons.

3. Provision of data. The provision of common and sensitive personal data is strictly necessary for the purposes of the activities mentioned in point 1. It is declared that the subscriber to this notice will be required to provide information such as their name, surname (general personal data), phone number, email address, personal preferences regarding events and/or musical tastes, and possibly the type of company they work for and/or any other information deemed relevant by the Data Controller for the purposes mentioned in point 1.

4. Refusal to provide data. The possible refusal by the interested party to provide personal data in the case mentioned in point 3 will result in the impossibility of carrying out the activities mentioned in point 1 and accessing the files on Google Drive.

5. Data communication. Personal data may be known to those in charge of processing and may be communicated for the purposes mentioned in point 1 to external collaborators, to all those public and private subjects to whom communication is necessary for the correct fulfillment of the purposes indicated in point 1. Data processing will also occur for the purposes provided by current legislation on anti-money laundering.

6. Data dissemination. Personal data is not subject to dissemination.

7. Transfer of data abroad. Personal data may be transferred to countries within the European Union and to third countries for the purposes mentioned in point 1.

8. Rights of the data subject. Article 7 of the Code grants the data subject specific rights, including the right to obtain confirmation from the data controller of the existence or non-existence of their personal data and their provision in an intelligible form; the data subject has the right to know the origin of the data, the purpose and methods of the processing, the logic applied to the processing, the identifying details of the data controller, and the subjects to whom the data may be communicated; the data subject also has the right to obtain the updating, correction, and integration of the data, the deletion, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law; the data controller has the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data except for cases of processing required by the laws in force. It is noted that for the purposes of anti-money laundering legislation, data related to services falling within the aforementioned legislative discipline will be stored, as required by law, for ten years from the completion of the service.

9. Consent to data processing. Pursuant to Article 23 of the Privacy Code, by signing these forms, you express consent to the processing of data within the purposes and methods mentioned above, to the extent required by law. In particular, I give my consent for the acquisition of personal data and the communication of data to third parties as indicated in this notice. This consent is valid until written revocation is sent by registered mail with return receipt.

10. Data controller. The data controller is Federico Mazzanti.
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