FCBL Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Nominations are being accepted for the Futures Collegiate Baseball League Hall of Fame.

The Hall of Fame exists to recognize and honor the Administrators, Players, Coaches, Teams, and Contributors for their achievements and/or contributions to the FCBL.

PLAYERS are eligible for induction five years after their final FCBL season. They should have won season-long awards, been a significant member of successful teams and/or gone on to a professional baseball career.

COACHES are eligible after their active coaching career in the FCBL is completed. They must have managed or coached for a minimum of two seasons in the league, have been a part of successful teams and be known to have greatly enhanced the players he/she coached.

TEAMS can be inducted for “great achievement” during at least one season.

CONTRIBUTORS and ADMINISTRATORS must have contributed significantly to the greater good of the FCBL, whether it be building or enhancing an FCBL franchise or the league as a whole. There is no waiting period for eligibility in these two categories.

Please fill out all parts of the form completely. Contact Joe Paolucci (commissioner@thefuturesleague.com) with any questions.
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Nominator's name
Nominator's contact information (email, phone number)
Nominee's name
Nominee's category
Why should your nominee be inducted into the FCBL Hall of Fame? Please include accomplishments and any other pertinent information.
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