TWISD Report Concerning Behavior
Bullying is defined in Three Way ISD Policy as:

Bullying means a single significant act or a pattern of acts by one or more students directed at another student that exploits an imbalance of power. It involves engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct It occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the district:
  • It has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student ’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student ’s property;
  • Or is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student;
  • Or materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of a classroom or school;
  • Or infringes on the rights of the victim at school; and includes cyber-bullying
“Cyberbullying"  means bullying that is done through the use of any electronic communication device, including through the use of a cellular or other type of telephone, a computer, a camera, electronic mail, instant messaging, text messaging, a social media application, an Internet website, or any other Internet-based communication tool.

This applies to: 
  • bullying that occurs on or is delivered to school property or to the site of a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property
  • bullying that occurs on a publicly or privately owned school bus or vehicle being used for transportation of students to or from school or a school-sponsored or school-related activity
  • cyber-bullying that occurs off school property or outside of a school-sponsored or school-related activity if the cyber-bullying: interferes with a student ’s educational opportunities; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of a classroom, school, or school-sponsored or school-related activity.
You have the right to remain anonymous when filling out this report. It is important to provide the name of the alleged victim, alleged bully, date, time, and location of the incident and what actions were done to help with the investigation of this incident and the supervision of students.

Safety & Secure Reporting

Reporters may report concerning behavior when they observe or become aware of any actions, incidents, or situations involving a student or students that they believe pose a risk to safety, well-being, or the learning environment within the school community. These behaviors can vary widely and may include instances of bullying, harassment, violence, substance abuse, self-harm, or other forms of misconduct.

Additionally, reporters may report concerns if they notice changes in a student's behavior, academic performance, or emotional well-being that may indicate underlying issues or challenges requiring attention and support. It's essential for reporters to report any behavior that raises red flags or causes them to feel uneasy, as early intervention can help address issues before they escalate and ensure the safety and welfare of all students.

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Person Reporting (optional)
I am a: *
Alleged Victim's Name: *
Victim's Grade: *
Alleged Bully's Name: *
Alleged Bully's Grade: *
In what way does the alleged bully have more power than the alleged victim? *
Is the alleged bullying you are reporting: *
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