SGV Regional Greenway Network | Support Form
The San Gabriel Valley is crisscrossed with storm channels, washes and creeks that feed into the San Gabriel and Rio Hondo rivers. Flanked by gravel service roads, most of these tributaries are well-suited for Class I Multi-Use Paths, providing a golden opportunity to develop a regional network of protected bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.

 A few of these waterways such as the Eaton Wash, San Jose Creek and Big Dalton Creek have already been identified by County and City officials for such infrastructure. Yet little progress has been made over the past decade and many others exist! Each would connect new neighborhoods, schools and entire communities to a regional network of protected pathways for safe recreation and healthy, active transportation.

Driven by the input of community members and stakeholders like you, ActiveeSGV launched the SGV Greenway Network 2025 initiative in 2014, setting a goal of 50 miles of new greenway in a decade.

Please join us in championing a healthier, greener, and more livable San Gabriel Valley!

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Comment or statement of support (optional): Why do you (or your org) support the development of an SGV regional greenway network?
Other comments, feedback, suggestions, etc.
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