Student Survey - Neurocognitive Therapies/ Translational Research Special Interest Group @ABCT
The Neurocognitive Therapies/Translational Research (NTTR) Special Interest Group (SIG) @ABCT would like to grow its student membership to facilitate national and international collaborations. We're seeking your feedback on how the SIG can best serve you. Would you share your thoughts via this 2-minute survey?

PS: We're on Twitter @NTTR_SIG - hope to see you there. You can also learn more about us at your website: 
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Student Status for Fall 2020
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Involvement in NTTR SIG (check all that apply)
Which of the following would be the most important resource that would make student membership with the NTTR SIG worthwhile for you?
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What other resources would be important to you? (select all that apply)
Interest in NTTR SIG mentorship program
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If interested in receiving mentorship, who would you like to be paired with? (select all that apply)
If interested in mentorship program, what would you like to get out of mentorship? (select all that apply)
If you'd like to receive an update on when our mentorship program is up and running and when other resources become available, feel free to share your email address here:
Thoughts/questions/idea? Feel free to share below!
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