22nd Annual ALC Team Trivia Competition
Register for Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus' 22nd Annual Team Trivia Competition on October 19, 2019 at St. Mary's Cathedral (1111 Gough St., San Francisco). Teams are 8-12 players. Entry fees are $45 per person for standard registration or $25 per person for students and nonprofit employees. Payment will be collected from Team Captains at the event by check, cash, or credit card.

If you would like to sponsor, continue on the form. Sponsorship levels are listed below:

$5,000 Trivia Legend (for 8-12 players) includes Trivia Champion perks & speaking opportunity
$2,500 Trivia Champion (for 8-12 players) includes Trivia Ace perks & surprise gift
$1,200 Trivia Ace (for 8-12 players) includes Trivia Whiz perks & team photo
$750 Trivia Whiz (for 8-12 players) includes team entry, free food & drinks
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Team Name
Phone Number
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