Limited Suspension Report
Synod 2024 instructed classes to submit a biannual report to the Office of General Secretary and to the Council of Delegates, indicating the progress made with the churches in their classes who are navigating the process of limited suspension (Acts of Synod 2024, Art. 76).  The following form has been created to simplify the reporting process.  Classes are requested to submit the following information to the Office of General Secretary by November 1, 2024 with an updated report on April 1, 2025.  The General Secretary will share the information with the COD.
Email *
Classis *
Are you aware of any congregations in your classis who are deemed to be “in protest with ecclesiastical intent” or otherwise in non-compliance* with the decisions of synod regarding human sexuality?
*To be in “non-compliance” means that a church has made public statements, by their actions or in any form of media, which directly contradict synod’s decision on unchastity, or that a church has declared itself to be “in the status of one in protest” with ecclesiastical intent (Acts of Synod 2024, Art. 76 and Art. 97).
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