The Scratch Education Collaborative (SEC) - Online Hub Educational Services - ECCR - Family Bonding Flashcard - Feedback Survey 
Welcome to the feedback form to understand your usage of our Family Bonding Flashcards (FBF) game using Scratch. We appreciate your time and effort in sharing your thoughts with us. Your feedback is valuable in helping us improve Scratch for everyone. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Thank you!
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What is Scratch?
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What does the "when green flag clicked" block do?
1 point
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What is the purpose of the "say" block?
1 point
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Which block is used to change the direction a sprite is facing?
1 point
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What is the purpose of the "wait until" block?
1 point
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Which block is used to create a sound?
1 point
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Which block is used to change the volume of a sound?
1 point
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What is the purpose of the "repeat" block?
1 point
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What is the purpose of the "if-else" block?
1 point
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Which block is used to create a variable?
1 point
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