Downtown Raleigh Feedback Form
We want to hear from you, our downtown patron. Your feedback helps us to measure your level of satisfaction during your downtown experience, whether it is related to dining or shopping, attending an event, visiting one of our many cultural hot spots, living or working here.
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To ensure we understand your complaint, please describe your downtown experience in as much detail as possible.
Complaint / Comments: *
If you would like a DRA staff member to contact you to address your complaint or comments, please provide your name and phone number or email address in this section.
Thank you for completing this form! Your feedback is important and will help us improve the downtown experience.
Who to Call
For assistance or to request a pedestrian escort from a Downtown Safety Ambassador, please call: 919-368-7962

To report cleanliness issues in downtown, please send an email to:

To report an issue such as potholes, graffiti, drainage problem, etc., please use the City's SeeClickFix interactive map to pinpoint and describe the issue:

Click on the link below for contact information for answers to many common questions across various City of Raleigh departments and services.
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