Meet with a WI Megaphone Organizer
Thank you for your interest in meeting with the Wisconsin Megaphone Digital Organizer for your area of the state. After submitting this form, one of our Digital Organizers will reach out to schedule a time to meet! 
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First name: *
Last name: *
Email address: *
Phone number:
Home zip code: *
Which days of the week work best for your to meet with an organizer? (Select all that apply) *
Which times of day works best for you to meet? (Select all that apply) *
If you selected "Other" for either of the last two questions, when works best for you to meet? *
Can we count on you to attend our next Wisconsin Wednesday? 

We host Wisconsin Wednesdays every Wednesday at 12pm to keep our volunteers up to date on the latest happenings in Wisconsin politics.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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