2022 Surviving Maine Casting Application
Surviving Maine is a fan made live reality game and survival challenge based on the CBS show "Survivor." Contestants will spend the 4 days and 3 nights battling it out with other competitors to outwit, outplay and outlast all the others to become the Sole Survivor.

Season Three of Surviving Maine will be filmed from Friday, May 27th - Monday, May 31st. Upon applying, you are confirming that you are available to stay for the duration of the game, even if you are voted out prior to the last day.

Contestants who are accepted to the game will be required to pay a $400 challenge fee to help pay for the location and supplies.

Please contact Liza Stratton via the Surviving Maine Facebook or via email at surviving.maine.liza@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.
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First and Last Name *
Cell Phone Number
What is your COVID-19 vaccination status?
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Age? *
Where do you live?
Occupation? *
How would your best friend describe you to a new person? *
How much Survivor have you seen? *
List three words to describe yourself *
Have you played in any Live Reality Games? (Survivor or other formats) If yes, which games, when and who was the producer? *
Have you played in any Online Reality Games? (Survivor or other formats) If yes, which games, when and who was the producer? *
What challenges, twists, rewards, game elements would you most like to see in Surviving Maine 2022? *
If you were on the real show, who would visit you for the Loved Ones visit and why? *
Are you a Hero, Healer or Hustler? Why? *
Create an introduction video and tell us why YOU should be chosen for Surviving Maine 2022. Upload your video to Youtube and paste the link here. You may mark the video as unlisted if you wish. Applications that do not have a video will not be considered. *
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