Special Education Evaluation Webinar Series

Join our five-part webinar series on foundational concepts of special education evaluation! This series will cover essential topics to ensure thorough evaluations, foster strong partnerships with families, address cultural diversity, utilize alternative assessment methods, and effectively communicate assessment findings.

This event is open to public educators across Colorado, especially professionals who are new to special education or those needing a refresher on evidence-based foundational strategies in special education evaluation.

Webinar Series Dates and Topics:

Comprehensiveness in Special Education Evaluation and Data-Based Decision Making - September 24th

Best Practices in Non-Discriminatory Assessment for Special Education - October 29th

Meaningful Family Participation and Collaboration in the Special Education Evaluation Process - December 17th

Best Practices in Teleassessment: Leveraging Technology for Effective Evaluations - January 28th

Effective Psychoeducational Reports and Data Communication - March 5th

  • Registration will close two weeks prior to each date.
  • There is no cost associated with CDE trainings.
  • All sessions will be held via Zoom.
  • Length of Time: 1 ½ hours
  • Time of Day: 8 - 9:30 am
  • These sessions will not be recorded.
  • Attendees will receive an evaluation that must be complete to obtain 1 ½ hours of CEUs for each session

Contact Krista Klabo, klabo_k@cde.state.co.us, with any questions.

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First and Last Name *
Email (please double check spelling) *
Some districts are their own AU while others belong to a BOCES. If you do not see your district in the drop-down list, try searching by county name, or select the BOCES to which your district belongs. Districts are listed first, then BOCES, then universities, facility schools, and other public agencies. If you do not work for a public agency, choose "Not Affiliated" at the top of the list.
What is your role?
If other role, please specify:
Webinar Series Dates

Please select each session you would like to attend. Registration will close two weeks prior to the session date. If you don't see a specific date in the options, it has likely closed.

Accommodations Needs
Electronic handouts will be provided ahead of the training for you to download, print, and/or emboss.

Please indicate if you require an accommodation(s) for this event.  All accommodations must be requested no later than two weeks prior to the event. Accommodations requested after this time cannot be guaranteed.

Please select all that apply. If no accommodations are needed, please select the “no accommodations needed” field to move forward in the registration process. If you do not see a needed accommodation, please use the “other” field to write in your requested accommodation.

ACCOMMODATION NOTICE: If you have registered and are then unable to attend the event, we ask for at least a 72-hour notice of cancellation, so that CDE can be proactive with cancelling requested accommodation services ahead of the training. Thank you!
Accommodations Needs *
If you chose "other" above, please describe.
Thank you!
Event information and links will be sent one week prior to each event.

Contact Krista Klabo, klabo_k@cde.state.co.us with any questions.
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