Powerhouse on Stage (Application) with Kelly Lewis
Thanks for your interest in attending Powerhouse on Stage!

I only have a limited amount of space available for this in-person speaker training workshop, and this application will determine whether or not you are accepted. Please tell me more about you so that I can see if this is the right fit.


• You want to learn how to be a paid speaker

•  You are ready to develop your voice and be surrounded by accomplished, open people!

• You are an author, an entrepreneur, or just want to share your voice with more confidence (hey, that's us too!)

• You're ready to confront the blocks that hold you back from the spotlight.

• You want a mixture of 1:1 support and group workshops.

• You're willing to open yourself up, be vulnerable and share within a supportive environment.

• You're not afraid to get a little uncomfortable, because you know it's part of the path to growth.

• You're fun, flexible, and ready to let your voice be heard!


• You are looking for a vacation. 

• You are not willing to participate and share.

• You are unable to check your ego at the door.

• You are looking for a place to vent or complain or be overly critical. This is a vulnerable setting, so please only show up with good energy!

• You are unable to travel to Portland, OR on September 21-24, 2023

Phew! Okay, now that THAT'S over -- let's get to the fun part!
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