Greyton Invasive Alien Clearing - get involved
Help us grow Greyton's volunteer alien clearing efforts.  We do everything from gentle hacks to extreme hacking all day on the mountains with chainsaws.   So, what kind of hacking do you enjoy?  How often do you want to get involved?  Are there other ways you could help?  

If you are just visiting and want to check if there is a hack on, feel free to just WhatsApp Rupert on 0823737082.

This info will feed into a database of people and help us focus on what volunteers really want to do. This is a combined initiative of the Greyton Conservation Society and Wild Restoration NPC.  Information will not be shared with a 3rd party.
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What are your main reasons for participating in the hack (select any that are relevant)?
How often would you be interested in participating in a hack?
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If you have a preference, which days would suit you best?
Top choice
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Third choice
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How much time would suit you for a hack?
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What time of day would you prefer? Check both boxes if you don't have a preference.
What sort of activities are you keen to be involved in (pick all that relevant)? *
Would you like to be involved in alien clearing in mountainous areas requiring hiking?
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Are you interested in working with a chainsaw? *
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